Hi there.

This post is mainly intended to webmasters who have basic notions in HTML and CSS and who are looking for a simple anti left mouse clic script for flash / swf objects.

The technic below may for exemple be used in order to disable a left clic on a flash affiliate banner. Imagine that you want to use easyflirt’s flash geoprofile promotional tool and redirect your potential members to a special registration page.

Well a little bit of scripting should help you. Or you should also use / download the exemple script detailed below !

codingThe anti / alternatve clic we present here as been tested on Internet Explorer, Firefox and also Safari.

Description of the script / what does the script do ?

The script below may be useful if you are looking for a simple script that allows you to cover flash (ie : swf) documents with an above ‘div’ / ‘mask’ element.

Here is a working demo of the script :

In this exemple, we use a div container wich has an higher z-position than the affiliate script called by a javascript line (that calls a flash / swf animation).

Script demonstration :

See the script in action

The script was tested under Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari.

Notes :

We have control on the div element and therfore can decide to add a link to the destination of our choise : a registration page and why not another dating affiliate program (just kidding, such practices generally carry much more troubles than positive side effects :D) ?

Anyway, here is the zip of the files uses in this article. We hope that you’ll find the script usefull !

Download our anticlic scipt : download link

By SO Flirt

SO Flirt is an independant site / guide / blog / magazine dealing about online dating sites and services. Our publications include dating sites reviews and articles dedicated to dating tips for online daters ...