Pink Flirt : free sexy wordpress template
Are you looking for a free sexy wordpress template / theme ? We worked on a sexy wordpress theme with…
The speed-dating revisited by « Têtes à claques »
The team of the site Têtes à claques offers on its website a video on the theme of speed dating… acquires Neocom’s dating services
This is a really important information for the dating industry ! The group 2L Multimedia , publisher of the dating…
Left mouse anticlic on flash / swf objects
Hi there. This post is mainly intended to webmasters who have basic notions in HTML and CSS and who are…
Marketing Infos : How to Promote Your Dating Site ?
There are many ways you can promote your dating site to get more traffic and more signups. We have listed…
Become A Dating Affiliate !
Easyflirt proposes one of the most popular online personals sites on the internet. The site has been serving singles on…
SO Flirt is mobile friendly
You can access on mobile by going to the browser on your mobile and typing in Generally, you…
Targeted Email Dating Kits
Do you already have a mailing list ? Send targeted promotional emails to your members …
Niche dating sites : The future of the online dating market
As the online dating industry matures, it’s becoming increasingly more commonplace for ordinary people to seek friends and lovers via…
Contact Us
Customer / moderation team Login to your dating area if you want to contact our customer / moderation team. Affiliation…